American battleship USS Oklahoma in the years before the attack on Pearl Harbor, where she was struck by multiple torpedoes and capsized in 11 minutes. (Official U.S. Navy photograph). |

American battleship USS Washington on post-refit trials off Port Angeles, Washington in April, 1944 (official U.S. Navy photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

American Battleship USS South Dakota in 1942, one of the "short hulled" class. Note the eight (rather than ten in all other ships of the class) twin 5"/38 secondary mounts, due to the space required to fufill her roll as a fleet flagship (Official U.S. Navy photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

American short hulled battleship USS Massachusetts; note the ten 5"/38 twin turrets, typical of all U.S. third generation battleships except South Dakota
(Official U.S. Navy photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |
American Battleship USS Wisconsin on builders trials, 1988 (Photo by Ingalls Shipbuilding as it appeared in the "Wisconsin Homepage") Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

American Battleship USS Wisconsin as she appeared at the end of World War II (Official U.S. Navy photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

American Montana class battleship (Official United States Navy
artist drawing). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

American "large cruiser" (battlecruiser) USS Alaska as completed (Official US Navy photo). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

American heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis, photographed before the Second World
War. (Official U.S. Navy photograph.) |

American heavy cruiser of the New Orleans class, photographed before the Second World
War. (Official U.S. Navy photograph.) Scanned and contributed by Marlene Brown. |

American heavy cruiser USS Bremerton of the Baltimore class. (Official US Navy photograph.) Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

American Baltimore class heavy cruiser USS Helena (official US Navy photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

British WW II aircraft carrier H.M.S. Eagle. Imperial War Museum photograph. Scanned and contributed by Alessanfdro Lo Verde. |

British battleship HMS Nelson in 1945. Note theadditional AA guns late in the war (photograph courtesy of the Imperial War Museum). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

British battleship HMS King George V in 1941, the year she engaged the Bismarck (photograph courtesy of the Imperial War Museum). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

British Battleship HMS Vanguard in June 1960, two months prior to her
de-commissioning (Photographer unknown). Scanned and contributed by Mike
Green. |

British Lion class battleship (courtesy of Naval Warship Image
Archives). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

British battlecruiser HMS Hood in 1939 (Royal Navy photo). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

British heavy cruiser HMS Exeter (courtesy Naval Warship Image Archives). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

April 1940 final design drawing of proposed Dutch battlecruiser (courtesy of "The Complete Encyclopedia of Battleships"). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

French battleship FNS Richelieu, after refit in the U.S., in September 1943 (Official U.S. Navy photograph). Scanned and contributed by MIke Green. |
French Battleship FSN Jean Bart after commissioning, April 1950 (Photographer unknown). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

French battlecruiser FNS Dunkerque port view (Muse'es de la Marine photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German battleship RM Gneisenau in 1939, after reconstruction with the "Atlantic" bow (Albrecht Scharke Collection photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German battleship RM Scharnhorst after installation of the Atlantic
bow. Note extra anchor, mounted at the stem (photograph courtesy of
Albrect Schnarke collection). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German battleship Gneisenau as she would have looked after being
re-armed with six 15 inch main battery guns in three twin turrets (drawing
from "Von der Emden zur Tirpitz" Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Bonn). Scanned
and contributed by Peter Hunemeyer. |

German Battleship RM Bismark during acceptance trials in August, 1940 (photo by Blohm and Voss Shipyard). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German Battleship RM Tirpitz in the Baltic Sea, 1941 (Imperial War Museum photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German 'H' class battleship (courtesy of Naval Warship Image
Archives). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German "pocket battlecruiser" RM Admiral Graf Spee (photograph from "Von der Emden zur Tirpitz", Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Bonn). Scanned and contributed by Peter Hunemeyer. |

The RM Admiral Graf Spee scuttled in the River Plate. (Famous period news photograph.) |

German 'P' class battlecruiser design (courtesy of Naval Image Archives). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German heavy cruiser RM Hipper (courtesy Naval Warship Image Archives). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

German heavy cruiser RM Prinz Eugen (courtesy R. O. Dulin collection). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |
The WW II Italian aircraft carrier Aquila after the war (circa 1950). She shows evidence of severe damaged suffered in 1944. Ufficio Storico MM photograph. Scanned and contributed by Alessanfdro Lo Verde. |

Italian battleship Vittorio Veneto in Taranto, after being hit by a torpedo during Operation Guido. Ufficio Storico MM photograph. Scanned and contributed by Alessanfdro Lo Verde. |

Italian battleship Vittorio Veneto on her way to Malta to surrender. The armament layout and spotting aircraft at the stern are clearly shown (photograph courtesy of the Imperial War Museum). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green." |

Italian battleship Littorio on September 9, 1943 as she approaches Malta to surrender (photograph courtesy of the Imperial War Museum). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

Japanese Battleship IJNS Yamato during acceptance trials in 1941 (Imperial War Museum photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

Japanese battlecruiser IJNS Kirishima in 1937 (Official US Navy photograph). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

1939-1940 Japanese B-64 Battlecruiser design drawing (courtesy of "The Complete Encyclopedia of Battleships"). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

Japanese Mogami class heavy cruiser IJNS Suzuya (courtesy Naval Warship Image Achives). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

Russian Sovyetskiy Soyuz class battleship (courtesy of Naval
Warship Image Archives). This drawing shows a quite different ship than the drawing in "Conway's". Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

Russian guided missile battlecruiser Kirov (renamed Admiral Ushakov) as seen in 1980 (Photo courtesy of "The Complete Enclopedia of Battleships" by Tony Gibbons). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |

World War One appearance of Turkish (ex-German) battlecruiser 'Yavuz Sultan Selim'. Her name was shortened to 'Yavuz' in 1936 (courtesy of "The Complete Encyclopedia of Battleships"). Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. |