Sightron SI 1x20mm Black Powder Scope The diminutive Sightron 1X scope weighs under ten ounces, and has a generous internal adjustment range of 125 inches. Eye relief is 5.71 inches, and it features finger click adjustments and comes with scope caps. Designed for muzzleloading seasons where no magnification is allowed, such as nearby Wisconsin, this 1X scope goes for about $120, quite less then comparable Nikon or Leupold models, and features the no-nonsense Sightron lifetime warranty that never keeps you waiting for a repair. The 1/4 inch click adjustments offer a level of precision not easily found in iron sighting systems, and you have the advantage single sighting plane. It also gives you the quick ability to use clean, tapered barrel "no sight" muzzleloaders such as the outstandingly accurate Knight Disc Elite with no hassle where no magnification is allowed. Using a 1X scope like this is an economical alternative to the only really good red dot sighting devices I've used (Aimpoint and Bushnell Holosight) and it won't play "shadow tricks" on you like some peep sights can. Of course, no batteries are required in the Sightron. I found I could shoot better at 100 yards with this scope than I thought I would be able to, holding most groups at or near 1-1/2". As they say, not much can live on the difference. It does its job exceptionally well, and is of the quality I've come to expect from Sightron scopes, which is to say very good. It is a good value, as well. |
Copyright 2005 by Randy Wakeman. All rights reserved.