Rifle Ammunition, Cartridges and Calibers
Ammunition For The Self-Defense Firearm (Opinion by Anonymous)
- An Open Letter to My Friends at Remington Arms (From Chuck Hawks)
- Australian Outback Ammunition (Review by Dr. Jim and Mary Clary)
- Browning Enters the Ammo Market With a Bang! (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Browning Ammunition, October 2017 Update (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Compared: Remington Managed-Recoil and Federal Fusion Lite Ammunition (By the Guns and Shooting Online Staff)
- Cor-Bon DPX Hunter Premium Rifle Ammunition (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Factory Ammunition Prices (Article and list by Alex Boughamer)
- Factory Loads for Deer Hunting (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Factory Loads for Elk Hunting (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Federal Fusion Rifle Ammunition: Bonded for Bucks! (Review by Chuck Hawks)
- Federal Fusion Safari Ammunition (Review by the G&S Online Staff)
- Federal Fusion Lite Ammunition (Review by Chuck Hawks)
- Federal Low Recoil Ammunition (Review by Chuck Hawks)
- Good Factory Loads for All-Around (CXP2/CXP3) Hunting (Article by the G&S Online Staff)
- Hornady American Whitetail Ammunition (Review by Chuck Hawks)
- Hornady LEVERevolution Ammunition (Review by the G&S Online Staff)
- Hornady Superformance Ammo: The Real Deal (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- Hornady Superformance 7mm-08 and a Missouri Whitetail (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- Impressive Hornady Ammunition: the GMX (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- The Hunting Rifle Ammunition We Actually Use (Article by the G&S Online Staff)
- Norma Rifle Ammunition and Components (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Nyati Big Bore, Low Recoil Practice Ammo (Review by the G&S Online Staff)
Reduced Recoil Ammunition: How Effective Is It? (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Remington Managed Recoil Ammunition (Review by Chuck Hawks)
- SIG SAUER Elite Performance Rifle Ammunition (Review by Dr. Jim and Mary Clary)
- Winchester Supreme Elite XP3 Rifle Ammunition (Review by Chuck Hawks)
- Remington's Game-Changing 360 Buckhammer (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- Federal Premium Introduces New .224 Valkyrie Cartridge (Vista Outdoor Press Release)
- The 6mm Creedmoor (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .243 Winchester: Its Capabilities as a Deer Cartridge (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The .243 Winchester in the Henry Long Ranger Rifle (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .25-35, Our First Modern Varmint, Small Predator and Deer Cartridge (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .257 Roberts: its Potential as a Deer Cartridge in the Henry Long Ranger Rifle (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Why the .25-06 Remington? (Article by Glenn Harmaning)
- The .260 Remington: Its Potential in the Henry Long Ranger Rifle (Article by Gary Zinn with Chuck Hawks)
- 6.5x47mm Lapua (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The 6.5mm Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Is the 6.5mm Creedmoor the Best Modern Hunting Cartridge? (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- The 6.5mm-284 Norma and 6.5mm Rem. Mag. (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .26 Nosler - First Look (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .270 Savage / .270-300 Savage / .270 Savage Ackley Improved (Article by Chuck Hawks)
Proposed: .270 Marlin Express (Article by Chuck Hawks)
Proposed: .270 T/C (Article by Chuck Hawks and Nick Ritenour)
- The Magical Mysterious .270 Winchester Cartridge (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- The 7mm-08 Remington: A Worthy Successor to the 7x57mm Mauser Cartridge (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The Case for the 7x57mm Mauser Cartridge (Article by Peter Stevenson)
- The .28 Nosler - First Look (Article by Chuck Hawks)
Don't Give Up On the .30-30 (Article by Randy D. Smith)
- The .30-30 Winchester: Its Capabilities as a Deer Cartridge (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Hornady's LEVERevolution .308 Marlin Express (Article by Chuck Hawks)
Hunting with the .308 Marlin Express (Article by Randy D. Smith)
- The .30 T/C (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Forgotten 200 and 220 grain .30-06 Loads (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The .32-40 WCF, Schuetzen Cartridge (Article by Dave Thornblom)
- The Forgotten 8x57 (Article by Ed Turner)
The .338 Marlin Express: A Proposal (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Hornady's LEVERevolution .338 Marlin Express (Article by Chuck Hawks)
New Woods Cartridge: The .338x57 O'Connor (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .338 Federal Rifle Cartridge (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .338 Federal: Its Potential in the Henry Long Ranger Rifle (Article by Gary Zinn with Chuck Hawks)
- The Winchester .350 Legend (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- CPR for the .35 Remington (Article by Barr H. Soltis)
- The Mystery of the .358 Winchester (Article by Rick Ryals)
- The .358 Winchester: Its Potential in the Henry Long Ranger Rifle (Article by Chuck Hawks with Gary Zinn
- Hornady Introduces 9.3x74R Factory Loads (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .375 Holland & Holland Magnum: A Century of Excellence! (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .375 Ruger (Article by Rick Ryals)
- .38-55 Winchester, the Gentle Medium Bore (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .400 H&H Magnum (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .416 Ruger - "New Standard for Dangerous Game" (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .45-70 For the One Gun Big Game Hunter (Article by Matthew J. Hewett)
- The .465 H&H Magnum (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .470 and .475 Turnbull Lever Action Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- 12 Key Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- 100 Years of Progress? (Article by Bruce Rutherford)
- The 200 Yard Deer Cartridge (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The 6.5mm Creedmoor Dominates Its Caliber Slot in 2018 (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Overnight Success: 6.5mm Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- 6.5mm, .270 and 7mm: The Golden Mean in Hunting Calibers (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- 7x57, 7mm-08, 6.5x55 and .260 Rem: Are these the best big game hunting cartridges? (Article by the G&S Online Staff)
- A Perfect Pair? (.270 & .30-06) (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- A Remarkable Trio! (6.5x55, 8x57 and .45-70) (Article by Ed Turner)
A Solution to Magnums? (Article by Mike Hudson)
- Accurate Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Adequate Elk Cartridges (Article by Bruce Rutherford)
All-Around Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Amazing Super-Ultra-Ultra Magnum! (Humor by Adam S. Gubar)
- Are AR-15 Type Cartridges Good for Hunting Deer? (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Author's Choice: European Metric Rifle Cartridges (Opinion by Chuck Hawks)
- The Best All-Around Rifle Cartridges? (Article by Patrick Keeler)
- The Best Centerfire Rifle Cartridges, 1900-1999 (Opinion by the Guns and Shooting Online Staff)
- The Best Rifle Cartridges that are Mostly Ignored (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The Big Bore Nitro Express Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Big Bore Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Black Powder Centerfire Rifle Cartridges that Survived the Smokeless Powder Transition (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Book Review: African Dangerous Game Cartridges by Pierre van der Walt (Review by Chuck Hawks)
- The Case against Wildcat Hunting Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Case Capacity Matters: Comparing the 6.5mm Creedmoor, .260 Remington and 6.5x55 SE (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Centerfire Cartridge Fundamentals for Beginners (Article by Bob Beers)
- Classic
American, British and European Rifle Cartridges (.30-06, .303 Br. and
8x57; .338 Win. Mag., 9.3x62, 9.3x74R and .375 H&H; 10.75x73 .450
NE and .458 Win. Mag.) (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Comparable European and North American Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Deer Cartridges from Bad to Good (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Evolution of Magnum Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Favorite Calibers of Famous African and Indian Hunters (Article by Adam S. Gubar)
- Federal Ammunition 2014 Top 10 Centerfire Rifle Cartridge Sales List (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- General Purpose Deer Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Great Elk Cartridge Debate: Much Ado about Not Very Much (Article by Todd E. Hale, J.D.)
- Groups of Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Guns and Shooting Online Staff Rifle Cartridges (Article by the G&S Online Staff)
- Handgun Cartridges in Rifles (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Hard Kicking Cartridges to Avoid (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- How to Choose a Rifle Cartridge for Any Purpose (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Hunt Around the World with these Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
Ideal Deer Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
More Ideal Deer Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Make Mine a Medium Bore! (Article by Ed Turner)
- Making a Case for Moderate Cartridges (Article by Rick Ryals)
- Medium Bore All-Around Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Medium Bore Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Metallic Cartridge Nomenclature (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Military's Inadvertent Role in the Development of Hunting Cartridges (Article by David Tong)
Minimum Deer Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Moderate Medium Bore Rifle Cartridges (Article by Mike Hudson)
- The Most Prolific Rifle Cartridges by the Number of Available Factory Loads, 2019 (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Myth Busting Big Game Calibers (Article and tables by Greg R. Haskins)
- The Mythology of the Correct Big Game Cartridge (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- New Hunting Cartridges for the Major Ammo and Rifle Manufacturers (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The North American 6.5mm Magnum Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Obsolescent Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Official Word on Rechambering the Marlin 336 from .35 Rem. to .356 or .358 Win. (Article by Barr H. Soltis)
- The Optimum .30 Caliber Rifle Cartridge (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Readers' Choice: The Most Popular Rifle Cartridges (Annotated list)
- Recommended Centerfire Rifle Cartridges in Every Caliber (Opinion by Chuck Hawks)
- The Rifle Caliber Complex (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- Sensible Rifle Cartridges (Opinion by Chuck Hawks)
- Shooting the "Other" 6.5mm's (Article by Mike Hudson)
- So, You Want a Magnum? (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- What Calibers Do I Need For North American Hunting? (Article by Dr. Jim Clary)
- What's Wrong with the Oldies? (Article by Schuyler Barnum)
- When All Else Fails, Invent a Caliber! (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- Why Deer Rifle Calibers Don't Matter (Much) (Article by Randy Wakeman)
- Compared: Selected Varmint Cartridges and Loads (.204 Ruger, .223 Rem., .22-250 Rem., .243 Win. and .25-06 Rem.) (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The .224 Valkyrie Compared as a Hunting Cartridge (Article by Gary Zinn with Chuck Hawks)
- Compared: .243 Winchester and 6mm Creedmoor (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .25-35, .30-30, .32 Special and .38-55 with standard and LeverEvolution Factory Loads (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Compared: 6.5 Grendel, 6.8 SPC, .300 Blackout and .350 Legend (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Case Capacity Matters: Comparing the 6.5mm Creedmoor, .260 Remington and 6.5x55 SE (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- Compared: Popular and Useful .270 and 7mm Rifle Cartridges (.270 Win., .270 WSM, 7mm-08 Rem., .280 Rem., 7mm Rem. Mag.) (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Compared:
Closely Related 7mm and .30 Caliber Cartridges (7mm-08 Remington and
.308 Winchester, .280 Remington and .30-06 Springfield, 7mm Remington
Mag. and .300 Winchester Mag.) (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Compared: .338 Winchester Magnum, .338-06 A-Square and .338 Ruger Compact Magnum (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The
.338 Win. Magnum Versus the .338 Super Magnums (.330 Dakota, .340 Wby.
Mag., .338 RUM, .338 Lapua Mag. and .338-378 Wby. Mag.) (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Compared: Winchester .350 Legend, .450 Bushmaster and .50 Beowulf (Article by Gary Zinn)
- Practical Performance of Popular Rifle Cartridges (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The .17 Caliber Centerfire Varmint Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .22 Centerfire Varmint Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The User-Friendly .24/6mm Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Overlooked .25 Caliber Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The 6.5mm Cartridge Family (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .270 Family of Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- 7mm Musings: The 7mm Rifle Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Ever-Popular .30 & .303 Caliber Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Great-08 Family of Cartridges (Article by Jon Y. Wolfe)
- The .30-06 Springfield Cartridge Family (Article by Gary Zinn)
- The Great Cartridge Families (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Short Magnum Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Powerful .300 Magnums (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .300 Super Magnums (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The 8mm/.32 Caliber Cartridges (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The Super .338 Magnums (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .35 Caliber Cartridge Family (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .375 Caliber Cartridge Family (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .416 Caliber Cartridge Family (Article by Chuck Hawks)
- The .458 Caliber Family (Article by Chuck Hawks)
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