Reloading Information - Handgun Cartridges
Handgun Cartridges
Pistol Cartridges Revolver Cartridges
SAFETY WARNING to Reloaders from Chuck Hawks: Although it involves some potential danger, reloading is a safe activity when done properly and carefully. On the rare occasions that problems occur they are almost always the result of ignorance, carelessness, or some other sort of human error. If you are a shooter and a reloader, you must be a responsible adult. Neither I nor anyone else associated with Guns and Shooting Online accepts any responsibility for your actions. Before attempting to duplicate any of the loads mentioned in any of the articles on Guns and Shooting Online, always consult the major reloading manuals for verification. The other writers and I check and re-check the information in our articles, but typos or other errors are always possible. Cross check all reloading data from any source before using it. Firearms and conditions vary and both can affect the safety of reloaded cartridges. Always start with beginning loads and then work up slowly to heavier loads if desired. Remember, safety is your sole responsibility. Chuck Hawks, his agents and assigns hereby disclaim all liability for damages, including, actual, incidental and consequential, resulting from use of the information, data, opinion or advice contained in all Guns and Shooting Online articles. Use at your own risk and with all due caution. |