A Fair and Balanced Overview of the Glock Pistol By David Tong ![]() At the time of writing,
Glock, Inc. has posted a 36% increase in sales over 2007, according to the
National Shooting Sports Foundation. Now, it’s no secret as to why these
pistols are so popular, though I thought I would examine them in greater detail
to see just how close to perfection they really are. History Prior to the introduction of the Glock Model 17 in 1985, other manufacturers had toyed with the idea of the use of advanced polymers for firearms parts, most notably Heckler and Koch’s P9S and VP-70 series pistols of the 1970s. Earlier pistols primarily used plastics for stocks (grips) and these can be seen in the 1930s Walther PP and PPK, as well as the hard rubber grips found on certain Colt 1903 hammerless .32 ACP and .380 ACP pistols. The H&K P9S used a trigger
guard/front strap molding and a plastic wrap around stock, thus the shooter
never touched anything metal when grasping the pistol. Coming from Germany, this is unsurprising, as it does get cold there in
winter and the advantage of having a thermally neutral feel when it’s below
freezing is a plus. The VP-70 went further, in
that the entire grip frame housing the trigger, magazine and lower fire control
pieces was of plastic. This rather ungainly, 19-shot, DA-only auto was primarily
a selective-fire machine pistol, meant to be used with a detachable shoulder
stock and fired in short bursts, but a civilian VP-70Z version was available for a
short time in the U.S. This pistol, with required steel reinforcements and
slide rails, was the first pistol to use plastics in a big way. Let us face one fact
squarely here; despite the many positive attributes of the polymer frame, its
primary advantage to a manufacturer is cost control, because it is far easier
to build injection molds and mold plastic than it is to investment cast and/or machine
steel and aluminum, which is far more labor and tool intensive. Long gun makers
have faced this same issue, so despite non-traditional aesthetics, the
proliferation of plastics in firearms production is here to stay, as
manufacturers try to expand market share while controlling cost. Gaston Glock was not originally
involved in firearms. He had contracts to supply the Austrian
military with entrenching tools and knives that were partially constructed of lightweight
polymers. He decided to enter a competition in the early 1980's for a new Austrian
service pistol and the rest is history. The G17 went on to become a worldwide
favorite among law enforcement due to its lightweight, simplicity and
durability under extreme use and abuse. The proprietary polymer used in Glock pistols
does not have glass strands in it and Glock explains that this is to provide
integrity under extreme cold. While I am not familiar with the exact
formulation, in feel the receiver’s injection molding feels like a combination
of nylon and polyethylene plastics, as there is some flex to the frame when
grasped hard. This may provide some reduction in felt recoil, as its fans suggest.
I believe the pistol's decreased subjective recoil is primarily a function of the relatively wide and flat frame cross-section
that fills the web between thumb and forefinger, spreading recoil force over a
larger surface area. The pistol’s metal parts
are protected by a process known as Tenifer. It essentially closes the metal pores with a
surface hardening crystalline structure over Rockwell 60c, close to diamonds,
and a non-reflective black coloring is added to the mix. Tenifer is
considered to be the best service pistol finish available on the market, as
it is rust-resistant to the extremes of available testing modalities (more so
that stainless steel), durable against normal wear and holster presentations
and does not decrease operating tolerances when applied. Technology The pistol’s near legendary
reliability is the result of several design factors. First, the narrow slide
rails, on which the slide reciprocates on the frame rails, offer minimal space
for foreign matter such as oil, sand particles and powder residue to collect. The
rails themselves are very hard, thin steel parts that are molded integrally into the frame. Both the slide and frame rail surfaces are so hard that that
a Glock pistol can operate completely dry, which is a boon in dusty, sandy
or extremely cold environments, where the use of conventional
lubricants can attract dirt or freeze solid. Glock uses a copper-based “anti-seize”
grease on the rear of the slide rails as a break-in lube, which is supposed to
be left in place during initial shooting. Secondly, the polymer frame
is recoil-resistant and extremely durable. It has come in three generations
thus far, with a fourth “Rough Texture” variant of the third generation frame
just debuting at time of writing. These changes are primarily distinguished by
the addition of raised checkering (Gen. 2) and finger grooves and accessory
rail (Gen. 3). While it does not have the tensile strength of steel or even
hard-anodized aluminum (more on that a bit later), normal recoil forces are resolved
by the plastic material and by the steel locking block in the frame, so frame
failures due to recoil alone are nearly unheard of, even under very high round
counts (100,000+). The other thing that increases the reliability of the system is the Company’s use of larger than normal chamber
dimensions and extensively relieved feed ramp throats from roughly 4-to-8 o’clock.
Glock magazines provide an adequately nose up attitude to the cartridges, but the company still believes that this wider and deeper feed ramp is essential to provide reliability under lots of shooting and extreme conditions. While there are many
anecdotal stories about the Glock being able to digest thousands of rounds of
ammunition without feed failure, there are also reports about out of spec
ammunition being fired with catastrophic results to the pistol and sometimes
resulting in serious injuries to the shooter. Known colloquially as “kaBOOM's,”
or “kB!” for short, the evidence gathered so far has exonerated Glock. (No pistol can be fired safely with over
pressure ammunition or a blocked barrel. -Editor.) No less than H.P. White
Laboratories has investigated these accidents and they are perhaps the
foremost forensic firearms testing lab in the country, if not the world. In
every instance, they have ruled the culprit to be ammunition related. What I remember from
experience over 35 years, however, is that very few semi-automatic pistol
designs have experienced like detonation issues and this is where the plastic
frame, despite its many other advantages, may play a role in the injuries
sustained by shooters. A typical pistol of steel or aluminum receiver
construction, if the barrel itself had a similarly-heavily throated,
SAAMI-standard diameter chamber, would typically not be destroyed in such
incidents. Usually these older pistols would simply vent the powder gases down
the magazine well, as well as out the ejection port, perhaps destroying the magazine
and the stocks, but without causing any serious injury to the shooter. Glock itself is adamant
about not using lead-bulleted ammunition in their polygon-rifled barrels, due
to lead stripping ahead of the chamber. This is a potential source of excessive
pressure, as the lead builds-up at this point of peak pressure. .40 S&W chambered pistols have experienced the majority of the
problems. The .40 is, of course, prevalent in American law-enforcement
circles. Bullet setback (usually caused by repeatedly loading cartridges from the magazine into the chamber without firing) can also dramatically increase pressure. Both Federal Cartridge and Winchester have gone on record stating that their ammunition is safe against bullet setback for two loadings from the magazine. In addition, Federal quietly increased the web thickness of their .40 brass in 1995, which presumably corrects what Federal saw as a potential problem in this caliber. Having said all this, to be
fair, all of the polymer framed pistols
currently being sold have had similar incidents of catastrophic destruction,
including the HK USP, the Springfield XD and the S&W M&P. Perhaps there is something to the idea of
retaining a machined metal frame in one’s hands, despite the weight penalty. Thus,
while it is important to inspect your carry ammo no matter what pistol you use,
I think it is that much more critical with a polymer-framed pistol. Usage The pistol’s shooting
dynamics have attracted tens of thousands of shooters, due to its simplicity of
operation. Somewhat like a DA revolver, the Glock pistol is a so-called “point-and-pull” weapon, because there are no
external manual safeties to remember to switch off before it can be fired. In
addition, the relatively short stroke, quick resetting Safe Action trigger
somewhat resembles a two-stage military trigger in feel, because the trigger fully
cocks the striker before releasing it for fire. This has endeared it to many single-action
autoloading pistol shooters, because the system offers a consistent short press
for each shot. Those of us who are used to
this sort of trigger usually do well with it in rapid fire drills. In slow
fire, the Safe Action trigger is a bit of a hindrance, although not nearly as bad as typical
double-action-only pistol triggers, because the trigger travel is longer than
that of a single-action pistol. In the slow fire shooting that I have done with
G17's, G23's and G21's, I have found Glocks to be only “combat accurate,” with
about 70% of my shots inside a 4” x 2” rectangle at 25 yards. (My G19 yields similar results, typically putting
its 15 rounds into a 4.5"x4.5" square at 25 yards. -Editor) One primary advantage of
the Glock striker fired design is that it typically has a lower bore centers
than older designs using an external hammer. (The bore center is the distance
between the barrel’s center and the long axis of one’s hands and arm bones.) This
provides greater control under rapid fire and a softer recoil sensation than one
might expect in such lightweight arms. One final point about the
Glock design is that it can be unforgiving of careless gun handling. Keeping
one’s finger on the side of the frame (out of the trigger guard) during the
draw stroke and while returning it to its holster is a must with any arm, but
especially for one with the manual safety set in the face of the trigger. On
the other hand, the Glock design incorporates very secure firing pin and sear blocking drop
safeties that positively prevent accidental discharge if the gun is
dropped, even from great heights (such as out of an airplane) onto a hard surface. When at rest, the striker is not fully cocked, another safety advantage. In addition, because the Glock's three safeties are all "automatic," there is no need for a conventional thumb safety that can be left on when it should be off, or off when it should be on. Real firearms
safety is, of course, in mind of the shooter. I would, however, suggest following the
Company’s advice and use only factory loaded, jacketed bullet ammunition for
both practice and self-defense. In perspective, one cannot
help but admire the Glock design for its low parts count, operating simplicity,
high capacity, great durability, reliability and lightweight. If imitation is
the highest form of flattery, practically every other major handgun
manufacturer has flattered the Glock! |
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